
Monday, January 10, 2011


Hello! This is my 2nd attempt at a blog and I hope it goes well. My name is Kara. I'm 24 years old. I'm a wife, a stay at home mother & a gypsy, hence the name of my blog. No, not the kind of gypsy that is braless (at least not all of the time), feeding her 2 month old baby mashed potatoes in a restaurant high chair (only my good friend Emily will get that reference). I'm a gypsy, a vagabond, a mover & a shaker. Since April 2009 my family has moved from Detroit, our hometown, to Chaska, Minnesota then to Pearland, Texas then to North East, Maryland. I'm sick of moving. No we aren't in the military. My husband works as a chemical engineer for a large company. He is enrolled in a program that is clearly designed for graduates that are single. The program has him test out different jobs for 6 months at a time for 2 years. We're on our last rotation! YAY! We will be moving one more time in February but only to our neighbor state Delaware which is 15 minutes away. Now I'll introduce my family.

Paul aka Husband aka Bear

Jordyn aka Our spirited child aka Jaybird

Adalyn aka Our sweet baby aka Pumpkin bear

And me.... well you will probably hear more about me later on since I am the one writing this thing. My picture is in my profile so no need to add another, don't want to scare away my readers. That's all for now.


  1. So I guess that means you're not inbred either? Clearly you can read too. I love you!
